May 10, 2012

Why We Shouldn't Be Praising Barack Obama For His Support of Same-Sex Marriage

Today should have been a hopeful day. On the heels of yesterday’s successful vote to amend the North Carolina State Constitution to ban gay marriage, the internet quickly and vociferously decried the intolerance we witnessed with the passing of A1. I was relieved to see the overwhelming opposition of this amendment through discussions on a multitude of politically neutral online communities and in the columns of today’s (supposed-to-be politically neutral) papers. My faith in the conjecture that the majority of well-informed, rational Americans did not see gay marriage as a “real” issue anymore was quickly reaffirmed, as the conclusion of this morning’s discussion tended to be that this amendment was archaic at best.

But this afternoon, President Barack Obama announced that he now supports same-sex marriage. Even though I believe that this is a step in the right direction, and that the effects of this decision will be advantageous for the LGBTQ community… I don’t think we should be praising President Obama for finally adopting a policy that grants a large group of Americans such a basic human right. Furthermore, we should question the integrity of this decision given the events in North Carolina yesterday, and the falling poll numbers of the Obama campaign.